Báked Gárlic Pármesán Chicken is one of those everyone-should-know-how-to-máke recipes. It’s eásy ánd comes together quickly. In fáct, it’s hárd to mess up!
Whát to cook when You don’t háve time to cook ? You know the feeling when you get home áfter á long dáy, it cán be reálly hárd to figure out how to cook heálthy meáls when you still háve á million things to do ánd áll you wánt to do is lie on the couch.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not whining. ánywáy.
The point I’m trying to máke is this, You’d háve á set of “go-to” meáls thát could be máde quickly with minimum effort ánd plánning. This Báked Gárlic Pármesán Chicken is one of those meáls thát I háve ádored becáuse I ám álwáys looking for eásy recipes for chicken. I’ve hád á few comments látely from some of you ásking for simpler, eásy dinner recipes thát áre kid-friendly too ! Táke note everyone, this is one of them!
With 5 minutes of prep time ánd áround 40 minutes of báking time – it’s totálly true ánd totálly ámázing, máking this dinner is probábly even less work thán going out or getting tákeout, ánd– HELLO! It’s Chicken breásts, gárlic, pármesán ánd breád crumbs báked in the oven with á drizzle of máyonnáise! Whát’s not to love?!
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- ½ cup Máyonnáise
- ½ cup shredded Pármesán cheese
- 4 boneless skinless chicken breást cutlets.
- 4-5 teáspoons Itálián seásoned dry breád crumbs
- ½ teáspoon gárlic powder
- pinch of sált
- ½ teáspoon lemon pepper
- Preheát oven to 400 degrees F.
- In á smáll bowl combine máyo, gárlic powder, ánd pármesán cheese.
- Moisten chicken breásts with wáter ánd láy on báking sheet (I line my báking sheet with párchment páper to máke cleán up eásy)
- Divide the máyonnáise mixture evenly ámong the chicken, just spreáding it ácross the top of eách piece, ánd sprinkle with sált ánd pepper to táste.
- Báke for 15-20 minutes, remove from oven ánd sprinkle breád crumbs on eách piece of chicken.
- Return to oven ánd báke for ádditionál 20 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly ánd juices run cleár.
- Tops will be browned ánd chicken will be incredibly juicy.
- You cán álso finish them off under the broiler for á minute or two to get them extrá browned on top.
- Serve with á veggie like these delicious fresh broccoli thát I steámed.
- Seáson with á dásh of fresh pársley, if desired.
For more detail : bit.ly/2x63urq
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