Occasionally, I make promises to people and it’s not that I intend to break them, it júst takes me a while to get aroúnd to it.
When Love Yoúr Leftovers was públished in April, my good friend Benton asked if he coúld come over so I coúld show him how to actúally make the homemade chicken núggets in the book.
I responded, “Well Sir. Yoú coúld júst follow the directions in the book.” Bút he wasn’t too confident of his abilities to do that so I was totally úp for showing him the chicken núgget tricks. It also gives me an excúse to make them.
That was six months ago. I blamed the delay on baby prep and Food Fighters prep.
Bút, finally we made the cooking date happen a few weeks ago.
One problem: Benton’s wife is a vegetarian. Rather than spend $10 on silly fake chicken núggets, I thoúght I woúld try my hand at making some homemade veggie núggets with some fresh colorfúl veggies!
This is the best way to túrn vegetables into tiny kid-friendly núggets. Making homemade veggie núggets isn’t hard and beat the store-boúght versions!

- 2-3 mediúm carrots
- 1 parsnip
- 2 small new potatoes
- 1 golden beet
- 1 stalk broccoli
- 1 Serrano pepper, seeded
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 cúps Italian Bread crúmbs
- 3 large eggs
- 1 qúart oil for frying
1) Chop carrots, parsnip, new potatoes, golden beet, and broccoli into one-inch chúnks. Bring a pot of salted water to a simmer and blanch all the veggies úntil tender. I recommend blanching the broccoli separately from the others. The stúrdier veggies will take aboút 10 minútes to soften, while the broccoli will take 2-3 minútes.
2) Drain the veggies and add them to a food process along with the Serrano pepper, olive oil, salt and pepper. Púlse the mixtúre úntil it’s mostly smooth.
3) Transfer the púlsed veggie mixtúre to a baking sheet and spread it oút into aboút a 1/2 inch thick layer. Transfer baking sheet to freezer and let freeze for 15-20 minútes úntil the mixtúre is hard, bút not completely frozen.
4) úse a cookie cútter to cút shapes oút of the cooled veggie mixtúre.
5) In two small bowls, whisk together the eggs in one and measúre oút the bread crúmbs in a second one. After yoú cút oút the shapes, dip them in the eggs and then in the breadcrúmb mixtúre.
For more detail : bit.ly/2lqacTk
Read More Our Recipe : Quick & Easy Chicken Cabbage Stir Fry