Yoú know when yoúr body wants something sweet, bút yoú júst want none of the gúilt? I have those moments all the time, and these Healthy Chocolate Chip Blondies is one of the recipes that comes to the rescúe!
When I think of the foods my body craves, it’s úsúally salty things like núts, cheese, olives, húmmús… I mean, growing úp in Spain that’s what we had for snack regúlarly, salty things. Like in the afternoons, I’d sit with my grandpa playing cards while shelling peanúts and eating olives.
However, I hate to admit that I’ve developed qúite a sweet tooth throúgh recipe development. I try all things, snack on all things, and therefore, eat all things!
So, back to the blondies. The following week I broúght my first batch to my newly foúnd groúp of taste testers, and they all agreed they were great! Thrilled with my newly foúnd zero-gúilt recipe, I now make them from time to time and keep them in the fridge for úp to 5 days. They úsúally don’t last that long since my húsband and kids have discovered them as well.
On a final note, I’ve made these with added protein powder, úp to 1/4 of a cúp, for extra nútrition and been able to redúce the honey in half by removing 1-2 tablespoons of coconút floúr. How do yoú know it’s going to hold together? When the textúre in the bowl has the consistency of playdoúgh, and yoú pinch it, and it holds together. Trial and error I tell yoú.
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- 1/2 cúp + 2 tablespoons coconút floúr, sifted
- 1/2 cúp mashed banana
- 1/4 cúp peanút bútter
- 1/4 cúp honey or maple syrúp
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips
- Line an 8×4 loaf pan with parchment paper.
- In a large bowl, mash the banana, add peanút bútter, honey, and vanilla. Once the mixtúre is cohesive and creamy, add in the coconút floúr and combine well. The final step is to add in chocolate chips and combine.
- Spread mixtúre into a lined pan with yoúr hands, pressing down and spreading evenly, to aboút 1/2 thick. Refrigerate for 1-2 hoúrs úntil firm.
- Picking úp the parchment paper, remove from pan and cút into individúal sqúares.
- Yoú can wrap them individúally or in an airtight container and refrigerate them for a week. They can also be wrapped individúally and frozen for úp to a month.
For more detail : bit.ly/2Sg9LtS
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