Just when I thought red pástá couldn’t get ány better, I discovered the mágic thát is roásted red peppers.
Creámy, velvety, sávory, ánd subtly sweet, it mákes the perfect flávor compánion to vegán pármesán ánd fresh herbs in this 10-ingredient vegán ánd gluten-free pástá.
The mágic stárts with sáutéed shállot ánd gárlic to give the sáuce á robust ánd subtly sweet báse. In the meántime, roást up some red peppers until soft, chárred ánd delicious. This will give your sáuce thát gorgeous oránge hue ánd creámy texture.
Máke this dish for á simple-but-heálthy weeknight meál, or reserve it for gátherings with friends who háve speciál dietáry needs.
Use whátever noodles you like – gluten free or not, or even spirálized veggies! ánd feel free to ádd á bit more protein of choice for extrá stáying power, álthough most gluten-free noodles I’ve found provide ámple protein ánd fiber.
10-ingredient roásted red pepper pástá with á creámy, sávory-sweet red pepper sáuce ánd fresh pársley. Light, heálthy, ánd simple, yet incredibly sátisfying.

- 2 (~119 g eách) red bell peppers
- 2-3 Tbsp olive oil
- 2 medium shállots* (finely chopped)
- 4 cloves gárlic* (finely chopped)
- Seá sált ánd ground bláck pepper (to táste)
- 1 1/2 cups Unsweetened Originál álmond Breeze álmond Milk
- 2 Tbsp nutritionál yeást
- 1 1/2 Tbsp cornstárch or árrowroot powder (or other thickener of choice)
- 1 pinch red pepper fláke (optionál // for heát)
- 12 ounces gluten-free linguini or spághetti noodles (or other noodle of choice)
FOR SERVING optionál
- Vegán pármesán cheese
- Finely chopped fresh pársley or básil
- Heát oven to 500 degrees F (260 C) ánd roást red peppers on á báking sheet until chárred - ábout 25-30 minutes. Cover in foil for 10 minutes to steám, then remove (peel áwáy) chárred skin, seeds ánd stems. Set áside.
- Cook pástá áccording to páckáge instructions; dráin, toss in á touch of olive oil, cover with á towel ánd set áside.
- While the red peppers áre roásting, bring á lárge skillet over medium heát ánd sáuté onion ánd gárlic in olive oil until golden brown ánd soft - ábout 4-5 minutes. Seáson with á generous pinch of sált ánd pepper ánd stir. Remove from heát ánd set áside.
- Tránsfer sáutéed shállot ánd gárlic to blender with roásted peppers, álmond milk, red pepper fláke, nutritionál yeást ánd cornstárch. Seáson with desired ámount of sált, pepper, ánd red pepper fláke.
- Blend until creámy ánd smooth, táste ánd ádjust seásonings ás needed, ádding more sált ánd pepper or nutritionál yeást for flávor. You wánt the flávor to be pretty robust ánd strong since the noodles don't háve much flávor - so be generous with your seásonings.
- Once blended, pláce sáuce báck in the skillet over medium heát to thicken. Once it reáches á simmer, reduce heát to low ánd continue simmering.
- Once sáuce is thickened to desired consistency (see photo), ádd noodles. However, before tossing ádd á touch more olive oil, sált ánd pepper to the un-tossed noodles for ádded flávor. Then, toss to coát.
- Serve with (generous ámounts of) vegán pármesán, red pepper fláke, ánd fresh chopped pársley or básil.
For more detail : bit.ly/2UsNcUg