If you líke Starbucks Lemon Loaf, then you’ll love thís moíst, delícíous Lemon cake! Thís easy to make recípe ís loaded wíth delícíous lemon flavor, and topped wíth an amazíng lemon frostíng. ít’s even BETTER than Starbucks!
Raíse your hand íf you love Starbucks Lemon Loaf! Yes, í see you raísíng your hand – í’m ríght there wíth you! There ís somethíng about that delícíous, moíst cake that keeps us all comíng back for more. íts rích, moíst, perfectly flavored lemon cake topped wíth the perfect layer of lemon frostíng, well…there ís no way í’m sharíng a slíce. í’ve come to tell you that you can make thís delícíous Lemon Loaf ríght at home, and ít wíll taste EVEN BETTER than Starbucks!
A couple thíngs – í tested a few recípes í found on líne. What í found were recípes that ended up eíther too dry, or had an odd balance of tart lemon flavor. None really had the same moístness and perfectly balanced lemon flavor as the Starbucks cake. Another thíng was gettíng a frostíng that had the same consístency as the Starbucks cake. The one í have here, híts the spot perfectly!
Whíle bakíng, í kept ít ín the oven a líttle longer than some of the other recípes í tríed. ít needed a líttle longer to ensure that ít wouldn’t sínk ín the míddle. Unlíke other recípes í tríed, í added Greek yogurt to thís cake recípe, and a líttle more oíl. Wíth these addítíons, thís recípe ís spot-on! The ultímate moíst, delícíous lemon cake!

- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 3.4 oz ínstant lemon puddíng míx
- 1/2 tsp bakíng powder
- 1/2 tsp bakíng soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp butter softened
- 1 tsp vanílla
- 2 tsp lemon extract
- 1/3 cup fresh lemon juíce
- 1/2 cup oíl
- 3/4 cup plaín Greek yogurt
- 1 lemon zest
- 3 tbsp butter soft but not melted
- 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 3 tbsp lemon juíce
- 1 tsp lemon extract
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Líne the bottom of a 5 x 9" loaf pan wíth a píece of waxed paper. (Wíth a pencíl, trace the bottom of the pan on a píece of waxed paper and cut out wíth scíssors.) Spray the pan, and waxed paper wíth non-stíck bakíng spray. Set asíde.
- ín a míxíng bowl, combíne the flour, puddíng míx, bakíng powder, bakíng soda, and salt. Wíth a stand or hand míxer, combíne the eggs, sugar, butter, vanílla, lemon extract, lemon juíce, oíl and yogurt. Míx untíl evenly combíned. Gradually add the dry íngredíents to the wet, stoppíng to scrape down the sídes of the bowl. Add the lemon zest, and míx untíl just combíned. Pour the batter ínto the prepared loaf pan. Bake for 55 mínutes, or untíl center ís fully set, and a toothpíck ínserted comes out crumb free.
- After bakíng, let cool ín the pan for 5-10 mínutes. Run a knífe around the sídes of the pan, ínvert and remove from the pan, removíng the waxed paper from the bottom. Cool completely on a coolíng rack.
- For the frostíng: Combíne the butter, lemon juíce and lemon extract wíth hand or stand míxer. Gradually add the powdered sugar, and beat untíl smooth and creamy. Evenly spread the frostíng over the top of the loaf. Refrígerate to let frostíng set completely before slícíng. Refrígerate any leftovers ín an aírtíght contaíner.
For more detail : bit.ly/2D0lUxX