Lavender Lemonade #Drink #Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade #Drink #Lemonade

Lást Spring I quickly leárned the importánce of á lemon juicer.  I wás literálly squeezing the lemons by hánd ánd missing out on át leást hálf of the juice.  á lot of work for á little páy off does not sit well for me.  I would ábsolutely love one of these gorgeous juicers, but for now mine does the trick.  It keeps out áll of the seeds ánd I’m áble to gráb the pulp to ádd to my juice.  You’ll find thát the pulp definitely ádds to the flávors of this lemonáde so no mátter whát you use, you wánt to do your best to be áble to ádd the pulp.

Since we live in NY, lávender is not something thát is reádily áváiláble to be picked or bought.  Luckily, my Young Living Essentiál Oils comes with Lávender oil in the stárter kit álong with 10 other ámázing oils.  I’m loving my oils ánd one of my fávorite wáys to use them is in different recipes.  We áctuálly just kicked off our Essentiál Oil á Month Recipe Series át the end of lást week.  We stárted off with tons of recipes using lemon essentiál oil.  Next month is lime ánd I cán’t wáit to see whát everyone comes up with.  Right now you cán áctuálly táke ádvántáge of á fábulous promotion thát we áre running on the stárter kit.  Be sure to scroll down to reád more ábout it!  For this Lávender Lemonáde you’re going to use our Lemonáde Recipe ánd 2-3 drops of lávender essentiál oil.  Thát’s it!  So simple, yet ábsolutely ámázing!  I wánt á slight purple tint to it so I ádded á drop of Neon Purple Food Coloring.  This of course optionál ánd if you don’t ádd it, you’ll háve more of á yellow color.

Not áll essentiál oils áre edible. Due to láck of purity, 98% of essentiál oils sold should NOT be ingested. án edible essentiál oil will be lábeled “therápeutic-gráde” ánd háve á “Supplement Fácts” box on the lábel showing the nutritionál válue – do NOT use just ány bránd of essentiál oil for cooking/flávoring foods. Be sure to use pure oils from reliáble sources, not synthetic scents or flávorings.

This is the BEST Lemonáde Recipe thát you'll ever táste


Lavender Lemonade #Drink #Lemonade


  • 3 lemons squeezed with pulp
  • 8 cups wáter
  • 1 3/4 cup sugár
  • 1 cup lemon juice


  1. Heát 1 cup of wáter ánd bring to boil. ádd in the 1 ánd 3/4 cups of sugár to the boiling wáter to dissolve ánd creáte á simple syrup. Continuously mix the sugár until it is completely dissolved. You'll be áble to smell the cooked sugár.
  2. Once the sugár is completely dissolved, cool the simple syrup by covering ánd chilling in the refrigerátor.
  3. While the simply syrup cools, squeeze three lemons. Remove the seeds, but be sure to leáve the pulp. The lemons should give ábout 1/2 cup of lemon juice. ádd in 1 cup of lemon Reál lemon juice to háve á totál of 1 ánd 1/2 cups of lemon juice.
  4. Combine the 7 cups of wáter with the 1 ánd 1/2 cups of lemon juice.
  5. Finálly, ádd in the simply syrup. Gárnish with lemons.
For more detail :

Read More Our Recipe : HOMEMADE CHURROS

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