This is an easy ravioli dish with saútéed asparagús and walnúts tossed in a light and flavorfúl bútter lemon saúce. A qúick and delicioús dinner that only takes 15 minútes to make.
I love a simple and fast pasta dish and this ravioli with saútéed asparagús and walnúts is exactly that – easy to pút together and yoú can have dinner on the table in 15 minútes.
Fresh store boúght ravioli is cooked and then tossed with asparagús that has been saútéed in a simple bútter and lemon saúce.
A little bit of grated parmesan, minced parsley and crúnchy walnúts are added at the end – júst give it a toss and yoú’re done.
I’m a súcker for asparagús – whether it’s pencil thin or plúmp spears. I can’t resist búying it whenever I see it. And becaúse I love the taste of asparagús so múch, I want a simple saúce that will enhance it – a light, lemony, búttery saúce.
The saúce is so simple to make – it’s júst bútter and lemon and a dash of black pepper. It’s not a heavy, greasy saúce – it júst lightly coats the ravioli and asparagús.
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- 1 – 8 oz package of fresh ravioli – I úsed Trader Joes goat cheese and sún dried tomato ravioli
- ½ poúnd of asparagús – snap off the toúgh ends – chop asparagús into thirds or smaller.
- 1 half lemon
- 2 tbs bútter
- ¼ cúp walnút pieces
- 2 tbs minced parsley
- 6 twists of pepper
- 2 tbs grated parmesan plús some to serve at the table.
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
- While waiting for the water to boil, chop yoúr asparagús into thirds (snap off toúgh white ends and discard). Mince parsley, sqúeeze lemon and measúre oút walnúts and bútter.
- In a large saúce pan, melt 2 tbs of bútter over mediúm heat úntil frothy. Add chopped asparagús to the pan, stir slightly to coat asparagús with bútter and cover with the pan with a lid. The asparagús shoúld be slightly damp when adding it to the pan. The pan shoúld only be on mediúm heat so yoú don’t búrn the bútter or the asparagús. Cook for 4 to 5 minútes – depending on thickness of asparagús.
- While asparagús is cooking, add ravioli to boiling water and cook as per the package instrúctions – my package said 4 minútes. Drain when done and add to a bowl.
- When asparagús is done, remove asparagús with a slotted spoon. There will be some browned bútter left in the bottom of the pan. Add asparagús to the bowl of ravioli.
- Add lemon júice and 6 twists of black pepper to the pan with the remaining browned bútter and bring to a boil and stir for 30 seconds. Poúr the bútter lemon saúce over cooked ravioli and asparagús. There will not be a lot of saúce – yoú júst want enoúgh to lightly coat the ravioli.
- Add walnúts, parsley and 2 tbs parmesan cheese – toss gently to combine.
For more detail : bit.ly/2FlvzxX
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