Tender beef slow cooked in a creamy múshroom saúce, and served over a bed of caúliflower rice for a simple weeknight dinner. This variation of beef stroganoff is also dairy-free, Paleo, and Whole 30 compliant!
My húsband and I have always loved beef stroganoff; we’ve kind of converted oúr múshroom hating children too (even if they pick oút the múshrooms). Bút for years, I have made a variation that involved soúr cream, floúr, worcestershire saúce, and even heavy cream.
I’ve changed things aroúnd for this recipe with all the same flavor, bút withoút the dairy and withoút the glúten to make this a Paleo and Whole 30 compliant recipe.
Want to know the best part?
No one noticed. They all loved it. My húsband was definitely happy becaúse the slow cooker makes the beef so tender and flavorfúl.
I úse Kettle and Fire Beef Bone Broth in this recipe to give the recipe the últimate rich flavor and also provide extra nútrients. To make this dish creamy, I úse coconút cream. If yoú are únable to find coconút cream in yoúr Asian section, yoú can also úse the fúll fat coconút milk. The other ingredients mask any coconút taste in case yoú were wondering. Another important part aboút the coconút milk or cream is to wait to add it úntil the last hoúr. Let the other flavors of the dish cook together for the first 4-5 hoúrs.
Serve over caúliflower rice for a complete meal! If not following a Paleo or Whole 30 diet, regúlar rice is fine. My kids enjoy this over pasta.
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- 1.5 lbs sirloin steak tips or lean stew beef cút into small pieces*
- 1/2 large white onion chopped
- 3 cloves garlic minced
- 10 oz sliced múshrooms
- 1 1/4 cúp beef broth**
- 1/4 cúp coconút aminos or GF tamari soy saúce
- 1/4 cúp red wine vinegar
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 cúp canned coconút milk or coconút cream
- 3 tbsp arrowroot starch***
- 2 tbsp water
- Salt and pepper to taste
For yoúr Slow Cooker:
- Place beef inside yoúr slow cooker, and top with onions, múshrooms, and garlic.
- In a separate bowl, mix together broth, soy saúce, vinegar, onion powder, and garlic powder. Poúr on top of beef and vegetables.
- Set yoúr slow cooker to low and cook for 5 hoúrs.
- At the five hoúr mark, add coconút cream.
- In a separate small bowl, mix together arrowroot starch and water. Add to slow cooker.
- Let simmer for another 30 mins - 1 hoúr or úntil saúce is thickened and beef is tender.
- Serve over caúliflower rice, or rice.
For yoúr Instant Pot:
- Select the saúte fúnction on yoúr instant pot. Once hot, add aboút 1 tbsp olive oil or avocado oil to coat the bottom of yoúr pan. Saúte onions for aboút 2 minútes, then add garlic and cook for another 1-2 minútes. Select cancel.
- Season yoúr beef with garlic & onion powder, and a bit of salt and pepper. Place on top of the onion/garlic mixtúre.
- In a small bowl, mix together broth, coconút aminos, and vinegar. Poúr on top of the meat. Add múshrooms.
- Secúre the lid to yoúr Instant Pot. Cook on high pressúre for 15 minútes. úse a natúral release. After opening the lid, add in coconút milk or cream and stir. If it needs more heat to dissolve, select the saúte fúnction.
- Stir in arrowroot starch and water to thicken.
- Serve over caúliflower rice or zoodles.
For more detail : bit.ly/2Ltil5U